Monday, March 7, 2016

Dream place


        I know everyone of has have their dream place to go. And i always have it dream place. This is Maldives. One of the country here in Asia. It is known to be one of the tourists spot in Asia.  Only 185 islands are home to its 300,000 inhabitants.  " According to the Ministry of Tourism, the emergence of tourism in 1972 transformed the economy, moving rapidly from dependence on fisheries to tourism. In just three and a half decades, the industry became the main source of income. Tourism was also the country's biggest foreign currency earner and the single largest contributor to the GDP. As of 2008, 89 resorts in the Maldives offered over 17,000 beds and hosted over 600,000 tourists annually. (c) Wikipedia. " When i see posts of some actors and actresses who went there, i just wish i wanna be there too.  I think this place is so peaceful. Their seas and oceans are as blue as the sky. They have lot of resorts over the country and it catches my attention. 

(c) Google

Those pictures are just some of the best beaches and resorts that can see in Maldives. Hoping that i can be there soonest. I promise that i will go there if i have my work na already unless otherwise fotuitous event happens. Haha

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