Friday, December 4, 2015

The Leader I Want

  "The people of the Philippines are not ready for my kind of style." - Rodrigo Duterte.
     Rodrigo "Rody" Roa Duterte (born March 28, 1945), who also goes by the nickname Digong, is a Filipino lawyer and politician. Duterte is among the longest-serving mayors in the Philippines. He has been mayor of Davao City, a highly urbanized city in Mindanao Island, for 7 terms, totalling more than 22 years. He has also served as vice-mayor and congressman in the city. 
       We all known that Duterte is a strict leader/Mayor of Davao City. We heard many issues of crimanals in Davao that was said Duterte kills. He made the city safe and peaceful. 
      "Pag walang takot sa batas walang mangyayari dito. Look at your national capital, look at the garbage, look at the hospital. The human garbage is there. And it's a capital. " - Duterte  (c) Rappler.
       We really need the leadership of Duterte. He is staright to the point as always but his way is for the benefits of the people.  
      Duterte is known as "The Punisher" for his iron-fisted approach dor criminals. If Duterte will win on the 2016 Presidential election, the Philippines would be better. Eventhough he is a strict leader he thinks of his people not for himself only. His hard lines makes people belives to him because he is telling what he really want, no lies. 
      “I will stop criminality, stop corruption, and fix government.” said Duterte. As president, Duterte says he will abolish pork barrel and the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP). No one in government, including himself, will hold lump sums.He will also “open all the books” in government, being a staunch supporter of the Freedom of Information bill.If lawmakers try to impeach him to retain their pork barrel, he said he would close down Congress altogether. (Source: 
      If elected president, he will strongly push for a shift to a federalist form of government. This means local government units will have more independence from the national or federal government, and will be able to retain most of their income for their own development.
     Many people wants him to run and win the presidential election because most of the people wants CHANGE.

“Criminals have no place in the city, except in jails, detention centers, and God forbid, in funeral parlors.” -Duterte quoted

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